
A quick recap

I know what this sounds like

First, what makes a great writer?

Google search results page from search "B2b case study writer"
Screenshot of a few qualities that make a remarkable writer, according to CopyBlogger

Case study myths #2: Anyone can write a case study

Survey results from Uplift Content's survey regarding why some SaaS companies outsource case study writing

Marketers, writers and communications professionals are fine, just fine…

Survey results from Content Marketing Institute regarding content market strategy planning and who is responsible for content production.

What about hiring volunteers to write case studies?

Text on Imagine Canada website about how over half of charities in Canada are completely volunteer-run
Text that shows results of survey about SaaS companies and case studies. Highlighted text says that marketing teams spend an average of 6-20 hours on one case study.

Job postings for communications professionals are reflective of the work they’re expected to do

Writing is not listed as a skill for copywriting/marketing jobs

The title and description don’t match

Tweet in response to the question of what scam has become normalized that no one notices. Tweet reads "Companies hiring social media managers and expecting them to do photography, videography, graphic design, copywriting, brand strategy, monitor metrics, host Youtube, make TikTok dances. The work of an entire marketing team, w/ little to no pay."

Too many expectations of knowledge in close but very different professional disciplines

The right interview questions matter

Can’t you just teach someone how to write a case study on the job?

Case study interview questions

What about templates if you can’t hire someone?

The stories can suffer

So, how does this myth about how anyone can write case studies cost you money and time?

You lose more than just a case study

Screenshot of a graph that shows that case studies are the most effective marketing tactics for SaaS companies; results of a survey conducted by Uplift Content
A screenshot of a result that shows that prospects love case studies more than any other type of content; study done by DocSend

Unlike other sales assets, the case study writing process has less room for error


  • Get buy-in from your team
  • Plan the case study strategy
  • Create the case study brief.


  • Contact client for interview
  • Send interview questions
  • Conduct interview


  • Write and rewrite case study
  • Send to sales and legal departments
  • Wait for approval

Examples on LinkedIn

Screenshot of LinkedIn post about case study horror stories
Comments from the above post about case study horror stories




Comment about client ghosting in response to Joel Klettke's LinkedIn post about case study horror stories

Writing case studies: Conclusion


Don’t be afraid to ask for help and direction