Introduction Success story briefs are well worth your time. As I’ve mentioned on my blog before, success stories are exactly what they sound like: stories…
Case studies and success stories: Are they really that different?
While case studies and success stories are often used interchangeably, they really shouldn’t be. There are three fundamental differences between them: Case studies Success stories…
Build your nonprofit communications with these key fundamentals
Introduction How do you build your nonprofit communications? Fundamentals. Fundamentals position your organization to succeed more often than not. Additionally, they build your foundation. If…
Resource: 5 essential communications fundamentals for nonprofits
Communications for nonprofits can be divided into two categories: These categories are pretty self-explanatory. Your essentials are things you need and your non-essentials are things…
A project roadmap: Why you need one ASAP
Introduction The development of a project roadmap is a very overlooked part of the project planning process. The assumption is that you can figure out…
Quick tip: If you want to change the copy, make a strong business case for it
If you want your copywriter to changes to copy, make a strong business case for it. Here’s what I mean: Let’s say you hire a…