Style guides are necessary to your marketing and communications efforts. They provide structure and guidelines for all of your communications. They set the tone (literally) and establish the relationship you have or want to have with your target audience. In short, style guides are essential to your business.
What are style guides?
Style guides are internal and/or external documents that define the visual and editorial style of a business. The purpose is to establish consistent use of language, graphics and layout across communication channels and formats. Generally, style guides include:
- Overview of the company
- History, Audience Analysis, Mission
- Communication channels
- Voice, Spelling, Tone
- Visual Identity
- Colours, Logos, Layout
- Editorial Standards
- Typography, Website Text Structure
For example, a style guide can outline which colours are appropriate and inappropriate to use for the company logo. In addition, it can detail how to communicate across social media channels, what hashtags are approved for use and what kind of language style standard (e.g., Canadian Press Style.) your business uses. Style guides define how people will experience and interact with your brand. Without it, you run into trouble.
Why are they important?
There are three important reasons why style guides are important
Reason #1: Consistent brand experience
With a style guide, you guarantee that your target audience experiences your brand in a consistent way. In other words, your brand will stand out if you have a consistent way of presenting it. This drives your key messaging and supports any efforts to encourage brand loyalty and trust.
So, when your campaign, contest or conversation begins, you’ll be ready to go and take your engagement to the next level.
Reason #2: Established rules for engagement
There are few things worse than having to start over again after working so hard. This is precisely what happens without a style guide.
Let’s say you have an upcoming campaign to promote a sale. You’ve got the schedule and materials you need to go. However, you notice that the logos are different sizes across communication formats. Additionally, the tone of your campaign doesn’t sit right with you.
Without something to guide you in situations like these, you’re left arguing about interpretation. Style guides avoid that issue because they become your main reference point for all decisions, which saves you time and headaches.
Reason #3: Onboarding new team members
Hiring employees or outsourcing work to freelancers is a regular part of running a business. However, sometimes there isn’t enough time to go through every part of the communications system, especially if it isn’t documented (Imagine having to explain your social media presence to a new employee!). A style guide cuts down the time spent explaining and increases the time you have to discuss new ideas. It also reassures new people on your team that they have a solid reference point.
Over to you
While style guides do take some time, they are worth the time investment. Your business communications will be better positioned to thrive and your target audience will better recognize your brand. That’s the goal, right?
Need a style guide to make your brand more consistent online?
Contact me today and let’s get started.