
Imagine Canada chart detailing impact of lack of core funding for nonprofits

This is a deep dive into communications

Comms row of Imagine Canada chart

Nonprofit strategic communications is a necessary part of any business.

What is strategic communications?

Why does your nonprofit need strategic communications?

What is an example of nonprofit strategic communications?

Table of Contents for Story Planet social media plan
Goals and objectives of Story planet social media strategy

Why does this matter in terms of cost of operating costs?

Imagine Canada Comms column circled


Knowledge mobilization

Annual reports

Website development and maintenance

The lack of core funding is understated

How are other core activities impacted by insufficient communications?

Fundraising row of Imagine Canada chart

How does inconsistency factor into the impact of insufficient funding?

Inconsistency introduces mistrust among your target audience(s)

Special Compass About Page

Inconsistency creates a loss of opportunity

Over to you

Communications without strategy is a dream without a plan. Ready to change that?