If you’ve ever searched for nonprofit communications resources, then you’ve probably come across suggestions on how to make more cost-effective decisions. One of those suggestions is to outsource non-core nonprofit operations, including marketing and communications.

Outsourcing means that you assign tasks or projects to people or businesses outside of your organization. For nonprofits, this can be a cost-effective win that addresses several challenges. By outsourcing some operations, nonprofit organizations can save on:

  • Time training in-house staff
  • Costs associated with technology acquisition
  • Labour related to professional development and risk
  • Time adjusting to changing organizational needs

In the nonprofit sector, it’s becoming increasingly common to outsource marketing and communications. However, the advice stops short at outsourcing. There is very little advice about how to actually go about it. The last thing you want to do is hire a freelancer without being aware of what could go very right and very wrong.

I thought about creating an infographic, deep-dive post and a presentation. But I thought that it would be more helpful to you to have questions and answers in one place. This way, you can take what you’re looking for and leave the rest behind.

Also, you can come back and revisit this post anytime you’d like. While this list is non-exhaustive, it covers what I believe are the most common questions. Additionally, the answers are from my experience and perspective, someone who has been both a freelancer and employed in the nonprofit sector.

Without further ado: Here are some frequently asked questions about how nonprofit organizations can outsource marketing and communications.

Frequently asked questions

The decision



Finding the right one

