Customer pain points are too costly to ignore. Your entire business should be or already is based on solving a particular problem. So, I’m not…
The truth about communications, marketing and PR
Here’s the truth about communications, marketing and public relations (PR): They are similar yet different disciplines. However, many businesses either are unaware of that fact…
Now is the perfect time to update your communications strategy
We’ve now seen the brand statements. We’ve seen these companies, organizations and businesses fail and fail some more. (Un)fortunately, it has placed them under intense…
Social justice brand statements: 3 reasons why yours are completely wrong
Social justice brand statements are all the rage now. For the past week, all kinds of companies, institutions and organizations have made them. These statements…
COVID-19 nonprofit marketing: 3 useful lessons during very scary times
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced nonprofits to adapt their marketing. While some organizations were already prepared (all things considered) – they invited remote working and…